Summer FUN.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Live from Mel-Sarah Fest!

Nothing beats a good "Papa Schwartz head-tilting" laugh...! Try it sometime - you WILL laugh even harder!!

"Bee, meet Sarah Ann!!"

The "festers" at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

Robb and I had the privilege of sharing our weekend with Sarah Ann and Mark, for what we called the "Family Friendly Mel-Sarah Fest"! Little Bee got to meet her Wisco relatives and experience a few head-tilting laughs ... she loves them already!


  1. It looks like you all had a great time. Now if little Bee can recognize Sarah Ann this summer, after meeting her in March...Colorado is so pretty, great scenery to enjoy!
    Momma D

  2. that head tilting business can be contagious...careful mareful.

