Summer FUN.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Swimming Anyone??

Mom and I had all good intentions of heading to the pool today to hang out with Miss Erin, Miss Cassie and Miss Dina...unfortunately mom took too long to get us ready and everyone had left already by the time we wanted to head over.  I guess it might have been for the best as mom said the thermometer says 102 - - maybe a wee bit too hot for me at this point.  I will just have to rock my big girl swimming suit from inside! ;-)


  1. Oh Miss Lily. Love that suite. (and what a comfy looking spot for you!) Sorry we didn't get to Skype today. SOON!

  2. Miss Lily -
    I am so sorry that you didn't get to show off your suit at the pool, but take it from Nonni, 102 is TOO hot for even being outside! You are such a cutie, green is one of your colors!
    Love you
