June 6, 2010. The date will forever hold a huge spot in our heats, as it is the day our first baby girl was born. Lily Catherine
Doerksen entered this world at 6 lbs 8 oz. She is 5 days old now and Robb and I literally could sit and stare at her all day. We are so in love. She is a perfect gift from God and we feel so blessed to have been chosen to guide her and raise her. Here is a brief journey via photos of what has happened in our world since Saturday. We love you all and look forward to sharing Lily's story.
Little did I know I was heading out on my last walk with baby in belly (6/5/10). My water had started to leak earlier that morning but I didn't know that is what was happening yet...
After being told to come in and have a "check," it was determined that indeed my water had broken...here I sit, ready to start the labor journey...having NO idea what was in store for me....we won't be showing any of the labor shots - not so many smiles there... ;-)
...and the miracle has arrived! Tears of pure joy!!!!
A few hours after giving birth...ALL SMILES - SO in love with Miss Lily!
Daddy is just as in love...
Sweet baby girl.
Lily's headed home...
Grandma and Grandpa Schwartz had a wonderful welcome home for Lily!!
And the journey continues from home....